The monument below stands about four feet high, and it is surrounded by graves of early white settlers.
Below is a close-up of the above monument. It reads: GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF WYOMING
Below is a homemade grave marker. Before coming to Wyoming, I did not know that cemeteries allowed such homemade creations.
Riverside Cemetery in town has a great network of underground sprinklers. This cemetery, however, is not maintained to the same degree as the sprinkler attached to a hose (below) indicates.
There are two cemeteries maintained by Hot Springs County of which Thermopolis is the county seat. Below are pictures from Riverside Cemetery on the south side of town.
The day I was there taking pictures, some of the sprinklers had been on, and then it began to rain. This is reflected in the water marks on the grave markers.
The view below, on the computer screen, is of Monument Hill Cemetery.
All flowers in this cemetery are synthetic. Of interest to me is a sign in the Shoshoni cemetery which informs visitors that real plants are not permitted. This is the opposite of cemetery regulations I am familiar with in the Great Lakes region of the U.S.
The grave below is that of a gentleman of Hispanic descent. There are not many people of color in Thermopolis.
Years ago, people from Yugoslavia came to this area to work in the mining industry.
There are only a few Jewish graves. This gentleman was a physician.
I believe the inscription on the headstone below is Japanese. According to the Thermopolis Historic Museum, some Japanese were prosperous farmers. Nakamura Lane, nine miles north of Thermopolis, off of US 20, is named after one such family.
The Mormon chapel has a great location which overlooks the southern portion of Thermopolis. This is their Internet location within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Web site.
Before moving to the above location, this was the meetinghouse of the Thermopolis ward. It is now a residence.
Living Waters Assembly of God is part of the Assemblies of God (USA) denomination. The sign below is more informative, but to link to their Internet location within their denominational Web site, click here.
This is their annex building:
Open Bible Ministries is part of a denomination called Open Bible Churches. For a description of this affiliation of churches, click here.
Hot Springs Christian Church has no denominational association according to a member of the church.
The Church of Christ regularly sends out a publication called House to House / Heart to Heart. This link will help you understand this congregation's church affiliation.
Some churches do not survive, and Four Rivers Foursquare Church is one of them. Fortunately, there is one of this type in Worland which is just 30 miles north of here (Victory Christian Center). This office building is where they used to meet:
(below) Probably the "real sign" was removed when the church ended.
Another church which was not successful was Church of God of Prophecy which met in this industrial park building in East Thermopolis. To learn more about this denomination, click here.