09 June 2008

flowers, etc., part 1

The spring rains have come, and everything is in bloom.

Lilacs (above) grow wild here, and they are everywhere. In May, before I started taking pictures, the blooming bushes were beautiful.

For more flowers (in the reverse order they were taken), see also Big Horn Mountains, part 2; Castle Gardens near Ten Sleep (second half); Highway US-20, part 2; Big Horn Mountains, part 1; Hot Springs State Park: trees and flowers, part 2, part 1; Crosby, WY (second half); Wind River Canyon, part 5; Mutt's daffodils; Hot Springs State Park: Flower Gardens.

See also trees and bushes, part 6, part 5, part 4, part 3, part 2, part 1.
See also autumn colors, part 9, part 8, part 7, part 6, part 5, part 4, part 3, part 2, part 1.

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