01 January 2009

Water Tower Trail hike, part 2

During your hike, don't be so focused on exercise that you fail to enjoy the surroundings. For example, the next four shots are of a gully on the south side of the water towers. Note the irrigation water tank peeking up at the top, just to the left in the shot below.

Below is the same gully, looking south.

Standing just to the north of the irrigation water tank I took this shot looking northeast toward Smoky Row Cemetery.
At the top of the hill, above Smoky Row Cemetery, are the following views, looking southeast.

There are a couple of hills to climb between the water towers and Smoky Row Cemetery. The shot below is near the summit of one of them, looking west toward the city.

From the summit above, you can descend to Buffalo Street, which is directly north of where you started this hike. Just to the north of Smoky Row Cemetery is a watering hole for the buffalo.

Below, you can see the blue water tower in the background.

See also Water Tower Trail hike, part 3, part 1.

See also Star Trail hike.
See also Owl Creek Hill Road hike, part 2, part 1.
See also Roundtop Mountain hike, part 3, part 2, part 1.
See also Monument Hill hike.
See also T-Hill hike, part 3, part 2, part 1.

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