03 January 2009

Star Trail hike

The Star Trail is named after Star Plunge. At the end of the trail, atop a hill, is a great view of the water park directly below. These photographs were taken on the 1st of December 2008.

The hike begins at Sneider's Point (a short road with a parking lot at the end) in the Buffalo Pasture of Hot Springs State Park. At the top of the ridge (below) is the path you will be taking.

Below is another view of the same ridge, taken from the edge of the parking lot.

The trail to the bench (below) is well travelled and covered with gravel. After viewing the State Park and the city from this location, most people return to their vehicles.

The trail continues to the hill above Star Plunge with somewhat steep sections and a narrow path which follows a ridge to the end. This section of the trail is more difficult than the first.

Below is the view looking south.
This is the view on the opposite side of the trail. The Hot Springs State Park is in the foreground, and in the distance is T-Hill.

The trail continues ...
and ends here.
Here is the view of Star Plunge when you look over the edge.

Just beyond Star Plunge, looking directly west, is Hellies Tepee Spa (below) with the dome and water slide on the right.

When you turn around and look back to where you have been, you can see Monument Hill.

To the left of the picture above is the scene below.

Looking south from the end of the trail is a good view of one of the entrances to the Buffalo Pasture.

See also Water Tower Trail hike, part 3, part 2, part 1.
See also Owl Creek Hill Road hike, part 2, part 1.
See also Roundtop Mountain hike, part 3, part 2, part 1.
See also Monument Hill hike.
See also T-Hill hike, part 3, part 2, part 1.

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