31 January 2010

Birdseye Pass and Copper Mountain Roads

Almost exactly five miles south of the Boysen Dam turn-off is Birdseye Pass Road. Here is the map.

This photograph looks northwest with US-20 in the background.

Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, WyomingWe decided to leave Birdseye Pass Road and explore Copper Mountain Road.

Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, WyomingThe public road ends here. If you click on the photo, you might be able to see the home in the distance.

Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Copper Mountain Road, Birdseye Pass Road, WyomingBack on Birdseye Pass Road, we passed this ranch:

Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, WyomingAt the "NO TRESPASSING" sign, we parked and hiked.

Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, Wyoming
Birdseye Pass Road, WyomingOn the way home, we stopped in the Wind River Canyon to take some shots of the low-lying clouds. To the north, toward Thermopolis, the day was cloudy and overcast, but because of the Owl Creek Mountains which blocked the clouds, the Shoshone Basin was sunny--just for our enjoyment of taking pictures!

1 comment:

  1. you guys are rebels passing into "no trespassing" zones! way to be adventurous!
