01 February 2010

Tough Creek Road

For today's outing we went through Wind River Canyon once again.

Wind River Canyon, WyomingJust past Birdseye Pass Road, which we explored yesterday, we arrived at Tough Creek Road.

Tough Creek Road, WyomingThe sights aren't the same as Birdseye Pass Road, but it was worth the drive. Below is a shot looking toward Boysen Reservoir.

Tough Creek Road, WyomingLooking in the opposite direction from the location above, is this scenery.

Tough Creek Road, WyomingThe small hill above on the right is also seen below. Click here for a satellite image of this hill (note the small east-west road leading from the hill, across the dry creek bed, and to Tough Creek Road).

Tough Creek Road, WyomingHere is the texture, looking straight up to the summit:

Tough Creek Road, WyomingThese rocks surround some of the base of the hill.

Tough Creek Road, WyomingTo get to the above hill, we took a single track road which crossed the dry creek bed seen below. Maybe this is Tough Creek. This shot is looking south:

Tough Creek Road, WyomingThis shot is looking north:

Tough Creek Road, Wyoming
Tough Creek Road, WyomingWe then travelled back to Highway US-20.

Tough Creek Road, WyomingUS-20 is the highway you see on the left heading toward the center of the photograph.

Tough Creek Road, WyomingBoysen Reservoir:

Boysen Reservoir, WyomingOn the way home, I stopped at one of the marinas to get these final two shots.

1 comment:

  1. those last two shots are gorgeous! i love wind river canyon. it makes me sad thinking about not being able to pass through there on my way to visit you guys...
