06 March 2009

Upper East River Road hikes, part 4

Just 2.6 miles north of the Star Plunge parking lot, and just past the first public access to the river (pictured below) is a dirt road into BLM land.

To see a satellite image, click here.

There are no paths to the top, but you can see from the shots above and below that the climb is manageable.

We walked the length of the BLM road and then started climbing. Then we followed the ridge back to the portion which overlooks River Road and Bighorn River.

We walked down the slope on the left side of the photo below and into the fields.

There we enjoyed the pasture animals who came to greet us.

Finally we took River Road back to where we had parked the car. Here is the small sign that greets you.
See also Upper East River Road hikes, part 5, part 3, part 2, part 1.

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