20 March 2010

Badwater and Quien Sabe Roads

A few miles before the turnoff to Bonneville from US-20 are some abandoned buildings on the east side of the highway. We stopped to look around and see if anything was worth photographing.

abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, WyomingThis is a spring full of fetid water.

abandoned house, WyomingThe next three shots are the view from the "backyard."

abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, Wyoming
abandoned house, WyomingMost of the shots above were taken by my wife. I was feeling so distressed by the trashiness of us humans that my mood thwarted my ability to see what would be good to photograph.

Below is a view from Badwater Road, with Bonneville in the distance, to the right of Badwater Creek which is only partially seen on the right of the shot. For a view of the entrance to Badwater Road from US-20, click here (this link also includes shots from our first trip along Badwater Road).

Badwater Road, Bonneville, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Bonneville, WyomingQuien Sabe Road (see sign below) is Spanish for Who Knows. Here is a link to Google Maps for the location of the junction of Badwater and Quien Sabe.

Quien Sabe Road, WyomingThese are pronghorns (often referred to as antelopes, but really they are a different species):

Quien Sabe Road, WyomingAlong the roads in this area, there are rocks which line both sides of the road. Maybe this is just the result of grading the roads or maybe this was done decades ago to help travelers know the path of the road.

Quien Sabe Road, Wyoming
Quien Sabe Road, Wyoming
Quien Sabe Road, Wyoming
Quien Sabe Road, WyomingAfter following Quien Sabe Road until it became what looked like a minor private road up the side of one of the foothills, we turned around and explored more of Badwater Road.

As you can tell by the photograph below, Badwater Road isn't filled with interesting sights. But what enhances the experience is getting out and seeing close-up what is suitable to be photographed. This is why we like this hobby.

Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, WyomingThese little hills or mounds are grayish green in color and so soft that the effects of rain are quite obvious.

Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, Wyoming
Badwater Road, WyomingSince we only had six hours of respite from taking care of my wife's mother, we had to cut short our return visit to Badwater Road. Maybe we will get another chance to visit this area.
Badwater Road, Wyominglink: index to photographs

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