03 July 2008

Centennial Flag Pole

At the intersection of Broadway and 5th Street is a traffic circle with a flag pole in the central circle. At its base are featured six bronze plaques which signify the many varied aspects of the history of this area. The artist is Alice Marlatt.

The old flag pole was replaced in 1990 when the Daughters of the American Revolution donated a large Wyoming Centennial flag which could not be flown on the pole due to guy wires below. This forced undersized American and Wyoming flags to be flown. At a cost of around $18,000, almost all coming from private donations, the new flag pole was part of the “Lasting Legacy” Centennial project. (14 June 1990,
Independent Record, the Thermopolis weekly newspaper, and phone conversation with Mary Berry)

The sixth plaque contains the names of the donors.

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